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Keep Your Child Ahead Of The Curve!

We’ve spent the last 12 years developing a system that successfully teaches kids to read.
From our sponsors
臺企銀APP再升級 - 中時電子報
Nov 7th 2013, 20:00

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Find SIGG's Classic Aluminum Water Bottles at MYSIGG

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From our sponsors
導航王N3 App、Hami更新飲食男女帶路吃美食 - Sogi! 手機王
Nov 7th 2013, 11:25

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Try New Relic at no charge

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From our sponsors
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Nov 7th 2013, 13:25

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Keep Your Child Ahead Of The Curve!

We’ve spent the last 12 years developing a system that successfully teaches kids to read.
From our sponsors
MUZIK Online推出專屬App,古典音樂輕鬆隨身聽 - 數位時代
Nov 7th 2013, 02:54

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From our sponsors
微軟Word、Excel Web App 加入線上協作 - 聯合新聞網
Nov 7th 2013, 09:08

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Try New Relic at no charge

Deploy New Relic and get your Nerd Life t-shirt. Monitor your Ruby, PHP, Python, Java and .NET web apps in less than 2 minutes.
From our sponsors
谷歌研發新語音功能APP 力拚蘋果Siri - yam天空新聞
Nov 7th 2013, 08:36

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Monitor all your apps!

Deploy New Relic and get your Nerd Life t-shirt. Monitor any web or mobile app in less than 2 minutes. Don't let performance ruin your bottom line.
From our sponsors
中華電信Hami、導航王App全新升級打造全新娛樂導覽服務平台 - 臺灣新浪網
Nov 7th 2013, 08:15

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Speed up your App

New Relic is the leader in Web and Mobile app performance. Don't let your users suffer from a slow site. Deploy today and get your Nerd Life shirt free!
From our sponsors
【Swiitt】情侶專屬App,讓愛情更美好,iOS版正式上架 - iThome Online
Nov 7th 2013, 07:42

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Shop Tervis tumblers.

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From our sponsors
如何自訂Google 服務右上方的App Launcher 應用程式清單? - 數位時代
Nov 6th 2013, 23:18

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Google 新聞 // via 
Teach your child to read.

Save 20% now with Hooked on Phonics! Enter 'SAVE20' at checkout.
From our sponsors
新版《台灣蘋果日報》Android APP 手機平板給你好看! - 蘋果日報
Nov 6th 2013, 21:26

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